Suomen seismisen asemaverkon laajennus- FIN-EPOS alahanke

Projekt: Annan projekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Seismological networks are necessary for monitoring natural hazards as well as safety of large buildings and underground facilities are necessary. Seismic data on crustal structure are also important for mineral exploration. Modern seismology is based on high-precision measurements using dense observation networks. The scientific performance and value of the Finnish National Seismic Network (FNSN) will be increased by adding 7 permanent and 14 portable stations. Portable network are used in national and international scientific experiments requiring higher resolution. The upgrading and expansion of the network is a joint venture of the Universities of Helsinki and Oulu. The new network will be used to study intraplate seismicity and seismicity and structure of the Polar regions, the initiation of stable continents and for detailed studies of the crust and lithosphere in areas prone to exploration. The FNSN is part of EPOS and it forms the national layer of EPOS seismological TCS.
Kort titelFIN-EPOS-Seismo_FIRI2014
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/201531/12/2017


  • 1171 Geovetenskaper