A Bronze Age burial mound excavated near Mogila village, Tundzha Municipality, Yambol Region

Bianca Elena Preda-Balanica, Stefan Alexandrov, Todor Valchev, Ilia Iliev, Elena Sandoval, Martin Trautmann, Volker Heyd

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskaplig


In 2021, archaeological research of an Early Bronze Age burial mound near the village of Mogila in the Tundzha Municipality of Thrace was conducted within a joint Finnish-Bulgarian collaboration. Excavations revealed five Early Bronze Age graves, eight Middle Bronze Age graves, and two graves dating back to the 1st millennium BC. During the Bronze Age, two constructional and four chronological phases were identified, supported by 16 radiocarbon dates. The first three chronological phases were associated with the Yamna Culture and dated approximately between 3100 and 2600 BC. In contrast, the fourth phase was dated between approximately 1900 and 1550 BC and was related to eight contracted
individuals interred in the southern sector of the mound.
Titel på värdpublikationFrom the Steppes to the Balkans Yamna Culture in Upper Thrace
RedaktörerStefan Alexandrov, Piotr Włodarczak
Antal sidor11
FörlagArchaeolingua alapítvány
Utgivningsdatum22 nov. 2024
ISBN (tryckt)978-615-5766-71-8
StatusPublicerad - 22 nov. 2024
MoE-publikationstypB2 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok


NamnThe Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe

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