A Comparative Analysis of Policy Frameworks and Admission Procedures in the Teacher Education System of England, Finland, Iran and Japan

Hamed Pasalari, Nematollah Azizi, Khalil Gholami

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


The purpose of research was to compare the characteristics of teacher education system with an emphasis on the policy making process and admission procedures in Finland, England, Japan and Iran. The research method was a qualitatively comparative approach using four-stage regional model of Bereday. Scientific documents and reports related to the teacher education system in the four selected countries were used to collect data. The findings showed that, in terms of policy frameworks, the teacher education system in Iran, unlike the other three countries, follows a centralized structure that originates from ideological thought. The structural and administrative concentration and vital role of supranational institutions in the policy-making and decision-making processes have caused the teacher education system in Iran to lack institutional independence and academic freedom. Contrary to England and Finland, in Iran and Japan, obtaining legal obligations from student-teachers is considered an important precondition for continued work in the educational system. Also, the results reveal the similarity of Iran's teacher education system with England, Finland and Japan regarding the necessity of participation of candidates in a national exam, while in terms of educational qualifications and degree of discretion and freedom of action of universities in the admission process, there is a difference between Iran and other countries.
TidskriftIranian journal of comparative education
Sidor (från-till)2266-2284
Antal sidor19
StatusPublicerad - 2023
Externt publiceradJa
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

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