Architecture-Aware Synthesis of Stabilizer Circuits from Clifford Tableaus

David Winderl, Qunsheng Huang, Arianne Meijer-van de Griend, Richie Yeung

Forskningsoutput: ArbetsdokumentFörtryck


Since quantum computing is currently in the NISQ-Era, compilation strategies to reduce the number of gates executed on specific hardware are required. In this work, we utilize the concept of synthesis of a data structure called Clifford tableaus, focusing on applying CNOTs within the respective connectivity graph of the quantum device. We hence contribute to the field of compilation or, more precisely, synthesis by reducing the number of CNOTs in the synthesized quantum circuit. Upon convergence, our method shows to outperform other state-of-the-art synthesis techniques, when executed with respect to a specific hardware. Upon executing the resulting circuits on real hardware, our synthesized circuits tend to increase the final fidelity and reduce the overall execution times.
StatusInsänt - 16 sep. 2023
MoE-publikationstypEj behörig

Bibliografisk information

16+4 pages(+appendix), 5+4 figures, 3 Tables, 1 algorithm

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