Autonomy and machine learning at the interface of nuclear weapons, computers and people

Shahar Avin, S. M. Amadae

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelProfessionell


This article assesses how autonomy and machine learning impact the existential risk of nuclear war. It situates the problem of cyber security, which proceeds by stealth, within the larger context of nuclear deterrence, which is effective when it functions with transparency and credibility. Cyber vulnerabilities poses new weaknesses to the strategic stability provided by nuclear deterrence. This article offers best practices for the use of computer and information technologies integrated into nuclear weapons systems. Focusing on nuclear command and control, avoiding autonomy and machine learning is recommended as one means to reduce the existential risk of unintended nuclear conflict.
Titel på värdpublikationThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk : Volume I: Euro-Atlantic Perspectives
RedaktörerVincent Boulanin
Antal sidor14
StatusPublicerad - 2019
MoE-publikationstypD2 Artikel i professionella manualer eller guider eller professionella informationssystem eller textboksmaterial


  • 5171 Statslära

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