Borders in the future: Policing unwanted mobility through entry bans in the Schengen area

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Despite their prominent role in the Return Directive and the constitution of the common European border regime, entry bans and their role in the governance of unwanted mobility remain largely unexamined in migration research. Entry bans accompany removal decisions for non-compliant or criminalised non-citizens, applying by default in the whole Schengen area, excluding EU citizens and legally residing third-country nationals, who receive national bans. In this article, drawing from my research on the immigration detention system in Finland, I discuss how entry bans sanction and irregularise movement mainly inside Europe, complicate non-citizens' regularisation, and affect their mobility strategies. Despite also being intertwined with crime control in Finland, national entry bans seem largely ineffective in preventing unwanted mobility inside the Schengen area: many Estonian citizens, in particular, are detained and removed from Finland several times a year. Notwithstanding the Europe-wide effect intended in the Return Directive, national entry bans issued alongside Schengen bans reintroduce borders inside Europe. Furthermore, by prolonging the duration of removal orders for years, entry bans establish individual borders that may be faced in the future.

TidskriftJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Sidor (från-till)2799-2816
Antal sidor18
StatusPublicerad - 3 juli 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 513 Juridik
  • 5172 Världspolitik

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