Building and the analysis of two radio antennas (SSRT) in vlf zone

Marjan Marbouti, Mehdi Khakian Ghomi, Salmanpour, Javad Riyahi, Keyvan Ghanbari, Moradi khanghahi, Nahavandi

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


This design is a joint project between telecommunication and astrophysics subjects carried out for the first time in Iran. In this article, we engage in building of two looped antennas (SSRT) that the first type of it is a SSRT (octagonal looped antenna) with an outer filter system of 80 cm diameter, cable thickness of 0.55 mm, inductance 38.24 MH and capacitor’s capacitance of 919 pf. The software of Spectrum lab and SSRT Robot2 were used for software section and to store the related information. While second antenna type is a SSRT (two interconnected square type loop antennas) with inner filter system in the form of two interconnected squares with beveled corners such that the number of windings for outer square are (larger) 60 rounds, while for inner square (smaller) 95 rounds. The CATIA software was used to design the antenna structure and “Protel Dxp’’ software has been used to design its circuit. A program has been designed with C# language for receiving section and processing of data. Considering the closeness of Turkey transmitter to the city of Tehran (test location), the designed SSRTs are responsible for receiving the frequency of 26.7 kHz while TBB (Bafa, Turkey) is considered the frequency producing source for it. In the continuation of project, we started to store our receiving data from SSRTs following the calibration, average taking as well as noise elimination that was produced due to different factors such as the noises caused by electrical equipment and the everyday activities of telecommunication devices. In this stage, we were observing our receiving coincidences with all SSRTs as well as the Goes satellite. Afterwards, we dealt with the analysis of solar flares, sunrise-sunset effects and electrical disturbances. Then, in a separate project, the received data secured from 8 different VLF receivers were studied and examined, by means of Mr. Loudet receiver located in France, for the years of 2010, 2011 and 2012 and we attained the interesting results in this regard. The first result is that the time difference between SRT (time of rise end across ionosphere) and the sunrise as well as the SST (time of set beginning in ionosphere) and the sunset in the geographical location of signal encounter from ionosphere during summer is more as compared to winter season. And the second result is that we could measure a height of ionosphere by means of some calculations; during this period the signal had the maximum absorption. This is called the effective annihilation height and this effective annihilation height was secured for 8 VLF receivers. The results indicated that the effective annihilation height during autumn and winter seasons is higher and more than spring and summer seasons
Titel på värdpublikation 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Utgivningsdatumaug. 2014
StatusPublicerad - aug. 2014
MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation

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