Cell Delivery: Routing Nanomolar Protein Cargoes to Lipid Raft-Mediated/Caveolar Endocytosis through a Ganglioside GM1-Specific Recognition Tag (Adv. Sci. 4/2020)

Norbert Imre, Anasztázia Hetényi, Enikő Szabó, Brigitta Bodnár, Abel Szkalisity, Ilona Gróf, Alexandra Bocsik, Mária A. Deli, Peter Horvath, Ágnes Czibula, Éva Monostori, Tamás A. Martinek

Forskningsoutput: Icke-textbaserad outputArtefaktSolo konstproduktionPeer review


In article number 1902621, Tamás A. Martinek and co-workers develop a pentapeptidic tag, which reads the glycan code of ganglioside GM1 and triggers lipid raft-mediated endocytosis, avoiding lysosomal entrapment. This carrier molecule can deliver macromolecular cargoes (e.g., IgG complexes) into live cells with the possibility to escape to the cytosol.
FörlagJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.
StatusPublicerad - 2020
MoE-publikationstypF1 Publicerat fristående konstverk


  • 1182 Biokemi, cell- och molekylärbiologi

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