Co-creative Product Design with Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms: A Practice-Based Reflection

Severi Uusitalo, Anna Kantosalo, Antti Salovaara, Tapio Takala, Christian Guckelsberger

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


Progress in AI has brought about new approaches for designing products via co-creative human–computer interaction. In architecture, interior design, and industrial design, computational methods such as evolutionary algorithms support the designer’s creative process by revealing populations of generated design solutions in a parametric design space. However, the benefits and shortcomings of such algorithms for designers are not yet fully understood. This paper reports the in-depth, in-situ and longitudinal experiences of one industrial designer using an interactive evolutionary algorithm in a non-trivial creative product design task. Our study sheds light on the intricate interaction between algorithm, human designer and their environment. It identifies, amongst others, the algorithm’s contributions to design inspiration and to overcoming fixation. We contribute concrete proposals for the future study of co-creative AI in design exploration and creative practice.
Titel på värdpublikationArtificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. EvoMUSART 2022
RedaktörerT Martins, N Rodríguez-Fernández, S M Rebelo
Antal sidor16
Utgivningsdatum15 apr. 2022
ISBN (tryckt)978-3-031-03788-7
StatusPublicerad - 15 apr. 2022
MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
EvenemangEvoMUSART 2022: Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design -
Varaktighet: 20 apr. 202222 apr. 2022


NamnLecture Notes in Computer Science


  • 113 Data- och informationsvetenskap

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