Crowdfunding in sustainable innovation: Insights from and for Finland

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The take up of innovative services and products has contributed to creative thinking also in terms of new sources of financing. Innovation processes are characterised by constant development, and it is beneficial if models of financing can be aligned to that. Crowdfunding, i.e. collecting finance from publics, has emerged as a new alternative also in the field of sustainable innovation. Crowdfunding is particularly interesting for Small and Medium size companies (SME’s) looking for financing when their product or service is not considered quite ready for investments. This policy brief looks how crowdfunding relates to sustainable innovation. It introduces crowdfunding as an activity, discusses it in relation to sustainable innovation and looks at the development of crowdfunding in Finland. This policy brief looks at crowdfunding from several levels: a strategic, programmatic and case level. Concerning Finland, attention should be paid to making regulation on crowdfunding a success factor for companies’ international operations. The niché and local nature of crowdfunding in sustainable innovation should also be considered.
Förlag¨Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation, CASI
StatusPublicerad - 22 dec. 2015
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie


  • 1172 Miljövetenskap
  • 512 Företagsekonomi
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