DANOISE; a 3D Printable Battery Cell for Laboratory Operando X-Ray Diffraction and Absorption Spectroscopy

Morten Johansen, Jannie Kirk Verdelin, Antti-Jussi Kallio, Tommy Ole Kessler, Simo Huotari, Dorthe Bomholdt Ravnsbæk

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Studying structural and electronic processes in the materials inside a battery as they occur during battery operation is key for developing novel improved materials for future generations of batteries. Such studies often entail X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy, which have so far primarily been conducted at synchrotron facilities despite the widespread use of laboratory-based X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy for day-to-day characterization. With the ?Developed in Aarhus: New Operando In-house Scattering Electrochemical? (DANOISE) cell, these experiments are brought into the laboratories making in-house operando X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy on-demand additions to the existing facilities. The chic and facile design of the DANOISE cell provides high quality scattering and absorption data besides providing reliable electrochemical performance. In this work, we describe the design of the DANOISE cell and demonstrate the capabilities of the cell using different commercial technologies for Li-ion batteries and from a new Na-ion battery electrode material.
TidskriftBatteries & supercaps
Antal sidor13
StatusPublicerad - aug. 2024
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 114 Fysik

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