Effect of a multidisciplinary team on the treatment of hip and knee prosthetic joint infections: a single-centre study of 154 infections

Markku Vuorinen, Tatu Johannes Mäkinen, Mikko Rantasalo, Kaisa Huotari

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Background A multidisciplinary team responsible for the management plan of prosthetic joint infections (PJI) was founded in January 2008. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a decrease in the number of surgeries and length of stay (LOS) was seen in the management of PJI with the aid of the multidisciplinary team. Methods This retrospective cohort study consisted of a total of 154 postoperative PJIs from three time periods: 21 PJIs from 2005 to 2007 (Group 1), 65 PJIs from 2011 to 2013 (Group 2), and 68 PJIs from 2015 to 2016 (Group 3). Successful outcome was classified as the retention of the original implant or revised implant and no infection-related death. Results The median number of operations decreased from 2.0 operations (Group 1) to 1.0 operation (Group 3) (p = .023), and the median LOS was shortened from 49.0 days (Group 1) to 17.0 days (Group 3) (p = .000). The number of PJIs treated with two-stage exchange decreased from 52.4% (11/21, Group 1) to 16.2% (11/68, Group 3) (p = .004). Simultaneously, debridement, antibiotics, and implant retention (DAIR) as primary surgical treatment increased from 42.9% (9/21, Group 1) to 89.7% (61/68, Group 3) (p = .000). The successful outcome of DAIR improved from 55.6% (5/9, Group 1) to 85.2% (52/61, Group 3) (p = .077). Conclusions Treatment of PJI in a specialized centre with the aid of a multidisciplinary team lead to fewer surgeries and reduced LOS. Successful outcome of DAIR improved over time.

TidskriftInfectious Diseases
Sidor (från-till)700-706
Antal sidor7
StatusPublicerad - 2 sep. 2021
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 3126 Kirurgi, anestesiologi, intensivvård, radiologi
  • 3121 Allmänmedicin, inre medicin och annan klinisk medicin

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