Effect of the competitive exclusion culture on the growth, blood parameters, leg health, and innate immunity of broiler chickens

Artur Żbikowski, Monika Michalczuk, Karol Pawłowski, Krzysztof Adamczyk, Gustaw Szafraniec, Olga Witkowska-Piłaszewicz, Damian Bień, Krzysztof Damaziak, Monika Łukasiewicz-Mierzejewska, Beata Dolka, Eija Kaukonen, Piotr Szeleszczuk

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


The primary aim of poultry production is to obtain a high yield and quality end product. To reduce the risk of disease, many direct-fed microbial products have been developed. That appears to be an excellent tool for disease prevention. We evaluated the influence of the commercial, competitive exclusion (CE) product, Broilact®, on the growth rate, hematology, serum biochemistry, and innate immunity in male ROSS-308 chickens, randomly divided into two groups (Broilact® treatment and control) raised for 42 days. The birds’ body weight was determined at 1, 7, 14, 28, 35, and 42 days, and the blood samples were collected at days 22 and 42 of life. We observed lower mortality, better gait score, and higher final body weight in the Broilact® group. At day 22, birds from the treated group presented higher white blood cells counts (WBC) and T cytotoxic lymphocyte (CD8+) counts, higher total protein (TP) (fraction globulin and albumin), and lower triglyceride (TAG) and Ca2+ plasma concentrations. No differences were found in acute phase proteins (APPs). At day 42, only the K+ and Na+ concentrations were higher, while the IL-10 was lower in treated birds’ blood serum. Our results indicate that treatment with one dose of the Broilact® product at day one of life has a beneficial influence, which improves the chickens’ performance, leg health and some serum enzymes activity, maintains electrolyte homeostasis, and influences leukocyte count with the rise of T CD8+ subpopulations.

TidskriftAnimal Science Papers and Reports
Sidor (från-till)311-330
Antal sidor20
StatusPublicerad - 2024
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

Bibliografisk information

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024, Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.


  • 412 Djursvetenskap, mjölkproduktlära

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