Fabrication and use of a filter with variable pore size

Jorma Ihalainen, Katri Maekinen, Pentti Pirkonen, Pekka Ruuskanen, Hannu Sekki, Harri Setaelae, Heikki Tenhu, Kati Salo

Forskningsoutput: Patent


This filter consists of fibers between which are openings which control the permeability of the filter. The fibers are sensitive polymers with variable dimensions which can control flow rate in response to environmental parameters such as temp., pH and ion concn. These filters can be used in dry and wet filter applications and can also form part of a textile garment. [on SciFinder(R)]
Bidragets översatta titelFabrication and use of a filter with variable pore size.
StatusPublicerad - 2006
MoE-publikationstypH1 Beviljat patent


  • 114 Fysik

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