
Comparative genomics of the embryophytes (land plants) provide basis to understand their divergence and adaptation to the terrestrial environment. The focus of the genome sequencing has been on the understanding of the patterns of genetic development and adaptation, particularly of the crop and some model species. Rapidly increased transcriptome sequencing effort and availability of the ample genetic marker data have allowed comparisons of early embryophytes and tracheophytes (vascular plants). The key to understand the deepest nodes requires the availability of the genomes and high-quality gene models from the early lineages of the streptophytes to understand the genomic synteny, gene duplication and losses as well as the diverged genes across the streptophytes, and in particular embryophytes. We present the first genome assembly of Coleochaete orbicularis and compare it also with the recently released genome of Chara braunii, another freshwater green alga.
StatusPublicerad - 29 sep. 2019
MoE-publikationstypEj behörig
Evenemang5th Conference on Plant Genome Evolution - Sitges, Spanien
Varaktighet: 29 sep. 20191 okt. 2019


Konferens5th Conference on Plant Genome Evolution
Förkortad titelPGEV


  • 1181 Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi
  • 1183 Växtbiologi, mikrobiologi, virologi

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