Helsingin seisminen asemaverkko ja seismisyys 2021

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBeställd rapport


2021 was the first fully operational year of the HelsinkiNet, a collaborative seismological observation network of the Institute of Seismology and City of Helsinki. The stations KUNI, LAUT, and VUOS continued in association with the national and regional automatic detection systems. In May 2021, operation of the station RSUO began for monitoring the geothermal heat plant of Ruskeasuo. In addition, stations HEL1-HEL5 were in operation in Helsinki and Espoo, although HEL4 stopped operating in April 2021. A total of 3483 confirmed seismic events occurred within 30 km of the Central Railway Square of Helsinki. Only one of them was a natural earthquake. It occurred in the sea area of Kirkkonummi on the 28th of August 2021. A single induced earthquake was observed in southeastern Espoo on the 2nd of March 2021, and again on the 4th of July 2021. A swarm of probably induced earthquakes occurred in the same area on the 27th and 29th of December 2021. The vast majority of observed seismic events were explosions. Particular attention was paid to a detonation in the low atmosphere in northern Pasila on the 11th of September 2021. The location and the probable reason for the event were resolved in cooperation between the Institute of Seismology and the Ursa Astronomical Association.
FörlagInstitute of Seismology, University of Helsinki
Antal sidor35
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-952-10-9607-5
StatusPublicerad - mars 2022
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie


FörlagInstitute of Seismology, University of Helsinki
ISSN (elektroniskt)0781-9579


  • 1171 Geovetenskaper

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