
High carrier prevalence of STAT3 SH2 domain somatic mutations was recently discovered in CD8+ T cells. We found these low-allele-fraction clones in 26% of donors, without difference between multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and controls. Here we tested whether anti-viral antibodies associate with the carriership of these mutant clones. We compared antibody responses against common viruses in mutation carriers vs. non-carriers. Plasma samples of 152 donors (92 MS patients, 60 controls) were analyzed for antibodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus-6A and parvovirus B19. The mutation carrier status associated with EBV VCA IgG level (p = 0.005) and remained significant after logistic regression (p = 0.036). This association was contributed similarly by MS patients and controls. These results suggest that EBV contributes to the generation or growth of these clones. The pathogenic role of the STAT3 mutant clones in MS is presently unclear, but their detailed characterization warrants further study.

TidskriftClinical Immunology
Antal sidor5
StatusPublicerad - okt. 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2023


  • 3112 Neurovetenskaper

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