Immune-interacting lymphatic endothelial subtype at capillary terminals drives lymphatic malformation

Milena Petkova, Marle Kraft, Simon Stritt, Ines Martinez-Corral, Henrik Ortsäter, Michael Vanlandewijck, Bojana Jakic, Eulàlia Baselga, Sandra D. Castillo, Mariona Graupera, Christer Betsholtz, Taija Mäkinen

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Oncogenic mutations in PIK3CA, encoding p110α-PI3K, are a common cause of venous and lymphatic malformations. Vessel type–specific disease pathogenesis is poorly understood, hampering development of efficient therapies. Here, we reveal a new immune-interacting subtype of Ptx3-positive dermal lymphatic capillary endothelial cells (iLECs) that recruit prolymphangiogenic macrophages to promote progressive lymphatic overgrowth. Mouse model of Pik3caH1047R-driven vascular malformations showed that proliferation was induced in both venous and lymphatic ECs but sustained selectively in LECs of advanced lesions. Single-cell transcriptomics identified the iLEC population, residing at lymphatic capillary terminals of normal vasculature, that was expanded in Pik3caH1047R mice. Expression of pro-inflammatory genes, including monocyte/ macrophage chemokine Ccl2, inPik3caH1047R-iLECs was associated with recruitment of VEGF-C–producing macrophages. Macrophage depletion, CCL2 blockade, or anti-inflammatory COX-2 inhibition limited Pik3caH1047R-driven lymphangiogenesis. Thus, targeting the paracrine crosstalk involving iLECs and macrophages provides a new therapeutic opportunity for lymphatic malformations. Identification of iLECs further indicates that peripheral lymphatic vessels not only respond to but also actively orchestrate inflammatory processes.

TidskriftJournal of Experimental Medicine
StatusPublicerad - 2023
Externt publiceradJa
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Petkova et al.

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