Projekt per år
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of the soil’s ability to store positively charged nutrients (cations) in a plant available (exchangeable) form. The amount of clay and organic matter influence the CEC of a specific soil and CEC can be used as a measure of the overall fertility potential of a soil. In addition CEC has been used to interpret concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na in relation to the overall CEC of the soil. This presents a more detailed interpretation of soil analysis than interpretation which is based on soil type classifications, but it also requires the estimation of CEC. 24 test fields were used as a test case for comparing different methods of measuring or estimating CEC. Example fields are used to demonstrate the use of CEC in making soil management recommendations and the scientific literature on using CEC as a basis for fertilizer recommendations is reviewed.
Bidragets översatta titel | Interpreting soil analysis results with cation exchange capacity |
Originalspråk | finska |
Utgivningsort | Mikkeli |
Förlag | Ruralia-instituutti |
Antal sidor | 36 |
ISBN (elektroniskt) | 978-951-51-3756-2 |
Status | Publicerad - 2018 |
MoE-publikationstyp | D4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie |
Namn | Raportteja |
Förlag | Helsingin yliopisto Ruralia-instituutti |
Nr. | 179 |
ISSN (elektroniskt) | 1796-0630 |
- 4111 Jordbruksvetenskap
- 1 Slutfört
Knowhow and tools for resource-efficient soil health management in a collaborative network
Väisänen, H.-M. (Projektledare), Iivonen, S. (Principal Investigator), Rajala, J. (Projektledare), Mynttinen, R. (Deltagare) & Mattila, T. (Deltagare)
04/11/2015 → 31/12/2019
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
KVK laskurin käyttöohjeet
Rajala, J. (Skapad av), Helsingin yliopisto Ruralia-instituutti, 2022
KVK laskurin käyttöohjeet
Rajala, J. (Skapad av), Helsingin yliopisto Ruralia-instituutti, 2022
Kationinvaihtokapasiteettilaskuri 2018.7
Rajala, J. (Skapad av), Helsingin yliopisto Ruralia-instituutti, 2021