Koulupuutarhatoiminta kestävän kehityksen kasvatuksena

Taina Laaksoharju

Forskningsoutput: AvhandlingKandidatavhandling


This Bachelor’s thesis discusses the connection between horticultural activity in schools and sustainable development and possibilities to use horticultural activities as an education for sustainability. Study overlooks the concept of “Sustainable development” and the challenge it brings to society. Environmental research and theoretical models are introduced briefly.
This paper also tries to clarify the relation between environmental education and education for sustainability in educational system. Thesis also gets acquainted with international and national sustainable development strategy work and executory scheme in educational sector.
Broader overlook and the focus in this work is in horticultural activities (gardening) in elementary schools. The history and basis of gardening in school in Finland as well as abroad are introduced. In addition the examples of gardens as platforms to education for sustainability are presented. Sustainable development’s division into social, ecological and economical dimension is handled through gardening; which elements of the activity are
settled to these dimensions?
This litterature research contemplates the relationship between human and nature, particularly the relationship between children and vegetation in rural environment. Special interest is in the possibilities of horticultural activities in schools to promote the child-plant interaction through potentially participative gardening enhancing environmental sensitiveness.
StatusPublicerad - 2007
MoE-publikationstypG1 Polyteknisk avhandling, fil. kand.-avhandling


  • 411 Jordbruks- och skogsvetenskaper

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