Learning from failures: Encouraging lesson-sharing in the Finnish energy transition

Eva Heiskanen, Jenni Pauliina Happonen, Kaisa Matschoss, Irmeli Mikkonen

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Learning from experiments has been seen as important in developing climate and energy solutions, but less attention has been paid to learning from the inevitable failures associated with experiments. Learning from failures is challenging because sharing such experiences is difficult. This study examines a novel intervention developed to support the creation of a failure-tolerant culture related to renewable energy experiments. A series of after-work events for pioneers in energy experimentation was held in several locations in Finland during 2018-2019, engaging 139 participants from various backgrounds. The aim of the Energy Pioneers' After Work event series was to encourage participants to openly share their failures in a relaxed atmosphere, thus promoting the adoption of an experimental culture and the local dissemination of experimental lessons. The events were successful in terms of cultural change, as the participants openly and comprehensively shared their failures. The focus being on social and peer learning, the events revealed a need to improve the flow of information, help adapt new technology to the context of its application and pay more attention to the design architecture. The underdevelopment of the market for new solutions and the problems of co-development were identified as challenges in promoting the energy transition. The events brought together actors from varied backgrounds, which was considered important and enabled the creation of an energy experimenter’s network. In the future, more systematic learning could be facilitated by building on the concept and engaging more practitioners and transition community researchers in the events.
TidskriftEnergy Research & Social Science
Antal sidor22
StatusPublicerad - aug. 2022
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


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