Linking Climate Change to Clothing: Examining Home Economics Teachers’ strategies to engage students and foster actions

Hanna Kuusisaari, Maria Campbell, Minna Autio

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review


Enhancing teaching practices in schools, particularly those emphasising engagement with sustainability in daily activities like clothing, cooking, and textile care, is crucial for initiating a shift in everyday behaviours and promoting climate-friendly practices both at home and within the broader society. This chapter presents strategies teachers can use to contribute to climate and sustainability education in the Home Economics classroom. These teaching strategies are derived from the results of our study examining the classroom practices of Finnish home economics teachers, who emphasised providing sustainability skills to future citizens in their everyday lives. Our research indicates that selecting topics which have specific relevance for 13 – 16 year old students such as clothing, fashion and textile care, can act as a tool for both enhanced engagement and behavioural change. Furthermore, we demonstrate that when Home Economics teachers employ transformational pedagogies in teaching sustainability, it leads to increased pupil engagement, and can support behavioural change. Thus, the illustrated strategies provide insights for teachers aiming to enhance their pedagogical practices in sustainability education. We argue Home Economics education has the potential to enhance the sustainability capabilities of future citizens, particularly within the realm of everyday practices and life skills.
Titel på värdpublikationTeaching Climate Change in Post Primary Schools
RedaktörerAnne Dolan, Deirdre Hogan
Status!!Accepted/In press - 2025
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok

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