
This is the first of two chapters introducing the moral psychology of robots and transhumanism. Evolvedmoral cognition and the human conceptual system has naturally embedded difficulties in coping with the new moral challenges brought on by emerging future technologies. The reviewed literature outlines our contemporary understanding based on evolutionary psychology of humans as cognitive organisms. The authors then give a skeletal outline of moral psychology. These fields together suggest that there are many innate and cultural mechanisms which influence how we understand technology and have blind spots in recognizing the moral issues related to them. They discuss human tool use and cognitive categories and show how tools have shaped our evolution. The first part closes by introducing a new concept: the new
ontological category (NOC i.e. robots and AI), which did not exist in our evolution. They explain how the NOC is fundamentally confounding for our moral cognitive machinery. In part two, they apply the back-ground provided here on recent empirical studies in the moral psychology of robotics and transhumanism.
Titel på värdpublikationMachine Law, Ethics and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
RedaktörerSteven John Thompson
Antal sidor23
UtgivningsortHershey, PA
FörlagIGI Global
ISBN (tryckt)9781799848943, 9781799867982
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781799848950
StatusPublicerad - 2021
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok


NamnAdvances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology (AHSAT)
FörlagIGI Global
ISSN (tryckt)2328-1316
ISSN (elektroniskt)2328-1324


  • 6162 Kognitionsvetenskap
  • 515 Psykologi

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