Note on a Pădureni type shaft-hole axe from northern Muntenia

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In this article, starting from an artefact from the collection of the Prahova County Museum of History and Archaeology, I analyse Pădureni-type shaft-hole axes that can be united in a fairly well-defined variant from a typological point of view. The axe was discovered as a lone find in northern Muntenia, Podenii Vechi village, Bălțești locality, Prahova County,
during field investigations carried out with a metal detector. The article discusses the typology of these axes, their geographical distribution, and their chronological and cultural attributions.
TidskriftRevista de Arheologie, Antropologie și Studii Interdisciplinare (RAASI)
Sidor (från-till)167-185
Antal sidor19
StatusPublicerad - 1 dec. 2022
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 615 Historia och arkeologi

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