Packaging journey from retail to home: How the meaning of sustainability for colour transforms

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Purpose Research has largely disregarded consumer-packaging interaction in contexts other than retail. Focusing on the powerful cue of colour and consumers' pleas for sustainability and drawing on the customer journey and moments of consumption, this study investigates how packaging colour meanings are redefined from retail to home and how the meaning of sustainability for colour transforms.Design/methodology/approach A qualitative methodology was employed with 27 informants, who were interviewed in pairs or in small groups of three.Findings First, colour meanings emerge outside the retail context, confirming the idea of the packaging journey. Colours are dynamic, as meanings are redefined throughout the voyage. In retail, colour conveys brand, product, environmental and origin-related meanings, while at home it conveys product, food- and health-related meanings. At the end of the journey, colour communicates disposal, environmental, health and origin-related meanings. Second, the meaning of sustainability for colour transforms during the voyage from being conveyed by a colour hue to being perceived as a material and, therefore, as a waste and recycling concern.Originality/value The study adds insight into the role of colour in the packaging life cycle, wherein colour transforms from a visual packaging cue to an issue of materiality. The recyclability of colours is a prevailing sustainability issue that deserves attention within the packaging industry. The study argues that although the consumer-packaging interaction in the retail context is essential, managers should recognise that the interaction continues with colours from in-store purchase decisions to consumers' homes (use and recycling).
TidskriftInternational Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Sidor (från-till)47-63
Antal sidor17
StatusPublicerad - 26 juni 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 512 Företagsekonomi

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