Rational construction of plasmonic Z-scheme Ag-ZnO-CeO2 heterostructures for highly enhanced solar photocatalytic H2 evolution

Abdo Hezam, Jingwei Wang, Q. A. Drmosh, P. Karthik, Mohammed Abdullah Bajiri, K. Namratha, Mina Zare, T. R. Lakshmeesha, Srikantaswamy Shivanna, Chun Cheng, Bernaurdshaw Neppolian, K. Byrappa

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Rational design of photocatalyst with wide solar-spectrum absorption, negligible electron-hole recombination, and maximized redox potential is an essential prerequisite for achieving commercial-scale photocatalytic H2 production. This contribution combines surface plasmon resonance and Z-scheme charge transport in a single photocatalyst (Ag-ZnO-CeO2 heterostructure) aiming to improve its performance for photocatalytic H2 production. The Ag-ZnO-CeO2 heterostructure is fabricated via sunlight-driven combustion and deposition approaches. The successful construction is confirmed by several characterization techniques. The Z-scheme configuration is verified by in situ irradiated XPS and ESR analyses. Ag plays dual rules as an electron mediator to facilitate the Z-scheme charge transport and plasmonic material to maximize the light absorption in the visible region. The designed photocatalyst exhibits significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity for H2 production (18345 μmol h−1 g−1) under simulated sunlight irradiation. This work offers the opportunity of constructing efficient Z-scheme photocatalyst from wide bandgap semiconductors with full-visible light response, suppressed electron-hole recombination, and optimized redox potential.

TidskriftApplied Surface Science
StatusPublicerad - 1 mars 2021
Externt publiceradJa
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

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