Strategic Outline of Public Engagement in the Development of Sustainability Research Policies and Programmes: Findings of the CASI Project

Konstantin Ivanov, Blagovesta Chonkova, Desislava Asenova, Ventseslav Kozarev, Zoya Damianova, Juha Petteri Repo, Kaisa Johanna Matschoss, Rafael Popper, Guillermo Velasco

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBeställd rapport


CASI’s major objective is to develop a methodological framework for assessing sustainable innovation and managing multidisciplinary solutions through public engagement in the research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) system. This paper provides insights and input for the last cycle of strategic programming of Horizon 2020 (2018 – 2020) and demonstrates the added value of public participation when looking for solutions to societal challenges and sustainability concerns. To that end, it presents some of the major results and insights gained from the implementation of two particular engagement approaches within CASI, namely citizen panels in 12 EU countries and an online survey with relevant experts and stakeholders.
Förlag¨Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation, CASI
Antal sidor20
StatusPublicerad - 25 maj 2016
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie

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