Surgeon experience in glioblastoma surgery of the elderly: a multicenter, retrospective cohort study

Johannes P. Pöppe, Lukas Machegger, Juergen Steinbacher, Harald Stefanits, Sophie Eisschiel, Andreas Gruber, Matthias Demetz, Barbara Ladisich, Theo F. J. Kraus, Serge Weis, Sabine Spiegl-Kreinecker, Alexander Romagna, Christoph J. Griessenauer, Behnam Rezai Jahromi, Ilari Rautalin, Mika Niemelä, Miikka Korja, Christoph Schwartz

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Purpose To assess the impact of individual surgeon experience on overall survival (OS), extent of resection (EOR) and surgery-related morbidity in elderly patients with glioblastoma (GBM), we performed a retrospective case-by-case analysis.
Methods GBM patients aged≥65 years who underwent tumor resection at two academic centers were analyzed. The experience of each neurosurgeon was quantifed in three ways: (1) total number of previously performed glioma surgeries (lifetime experience); (2) number of surgeries performed in the previous fve years (medium-term experience) and (3) in the last two years (short-term experience). Surgeon experience data was correlated with survival (OS) and surrogate parameters for surgical quality (EOR, morbidity).
Results 198 GBM patients (median age 73.0 years, median preoperative KPS 80, IDH-wildtype status 96.5%) were included. Median OS was 10.0 months (95% CI 8.0–12.0); median EOR was 89.4%. Surgery-related morbidity afected 19.7% patients. No correlations of lifetime surgeon experience with OS (P=.693), EOR (P=.693), and surgery-related morbidity (P=.435) were identifed. Adjuvant therapy was associated with improved OS (PConclusion Less experienced neurosurgeons achieve similar surgical results and outcome in elderly GBM patients within the setting of academic teaching hospitals. Adjuvant treatment and avoidance of surgery-related morbidity are crucial forgenerating a treatment beneft for this cohort.
TidskriftJournal of Neuro-Oncology
Sidor (från-till)563-572
Antal sidor10
StatusPublicerad - feb. 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 3124 Neurologi och psykiatri

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