The Transparency Paradox: Questioning an Ideal

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBokVetenskapligPeer review


Transparency has become a new norm. States, international organizations, and even private businesses have sought to bolster their legitimacy by invoking transparency in their activities.

This growth in popularity was made possible through two interconnected trends: the idea that transparency is inherently good, and that the actual meaning of the term is becoming harder and harder to pin down. Thus far, this has remained undertheorized.

The Transparency Paradox is an insightful account of the hidden logic of the ideal of transparency and its legal manifestations. It shows how transparency is a covertly conflicted ideal. The book argues that counter to popular understanding, truth and legitimacy cannot but form a problematic trade-off in transparency practices.
FörlagOxford University Press
Antal sidor240
ISBN (tryckt)9780192855466
ISBN (elektroniskt)9780192667908
StatusPublicerad - 14 juli 2022
MoE-publikationstypC1 Separata vetenskapliga böcker


  • 513 Juridik

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