Top-10 research priorities for sustainable futures: Insights from and for United Kingdom

Sarah Barsby, Kaisa Johanna Matschoss, Juha Petteri Repo, Minna Susanna Kaarakainen, Anita Tregner-Mlinaric

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Sustainability in lifestyles is closely connected to the change of every day patterns of individuals and their approach towards food and consumption, mobility and transport, housing, education, health and recreation with strong cross-linkages with communities and interpersonal relationships. Lifestyles also relate to cultural heritage as well as specifics of natural and economic environment. Hence, sustainability in lifestyles is also determined by the surrounding environment, not only personal needs.

This policy brief presents and reviews Top-10 lists of sustainable research priorities for Europe and for United Kingdom. These priorities have been formed in systematic interaction with citizens and experts. In United Kingdom, energy, food culture, sustainable economics, construction and education are highlighted in the priorities. focus is attributed to increased resources to meet societal demand, government to set long term commitments to improve environmental performance and the importance of priorities being interchangeable and not operating in silos.
Förlag¨Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation, CASI
Antal sidor17
StatusPublicerad - 7 juni 2016
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie


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