title = "Ve znamen{\'i} sv{\'e}pomoci a solidarity: dru{\v z}stva, dru{\v z}stevn{\'i} elity a politika ve st{\v r}edn{\'i} Evrop{\v e} druh{\'e} poloviny 19. a prvn{\'i} poloviny 20. stolet{\'i}.",
abstract = "The collective volume brings new insights into a nowadays often ignored, but in the past remarkably important phenomenon of cooperatives in the 2nd half of the 19th and 1st half of the 20th centuries. It demonstrates a rather surprising scale of cooperatives{\textquoteright} activities in almost all aspects of the human being{\textquoteright}s life. It deals with many secondary (non-economic) roles of cooperatives, mainly the enlightenment, educational, modernization, cultural, identity-making, national(ist), and protective ones. The book also proves multiple and various linkages between cooperatives and the political sphere that are traceable in law-making, cooperatives' involvement in the state economic policy, or through subsidies. Direct connections between cooperatives and political parties were analyzed as well whether in the form of personal interconnections or (relatively rarely) of the direct subordination of the cooperatives to the political parties.",
keywords = "615 Historia och arkeologi, cooperative movement, Central Europe, 19th century, 20th century",
author = "Edvard Kubů and Jan Slav{\'i}{\v c}ek and Ilona Ba{\v z}antov{\'a} and Pavel Dufek and Marcela Efmertov{\'a} and Jan H{\'a}jek and Jana Jakubsk{\'a} and Tom{\'a}{\v s} Kr{\"o}mer and Mark{\'e}ta Kroupov{\'a} and Jana Lainto and {\v Z}arko Lazarevi{\'c} and Stephan Merl and Uwe M{\"u}ller and Pavel Nov{\'a}k and Eva Richtrov{\'a} and Jana Str{\'a}n{\'i}kov{\'a} and Ji{\v r}{\'i} {\v S}ou{\v s}a and Patrik Vedral",
year = "2023",
language = "tjeckiska",
isbn = "978-80-7286-419-5",
series = "Opera Instituti Historici Pragae. Series Monographia",
publisher = "Historick{\'y} {\'u}stav AV {\v C}R v.v.i. ",
address = "Tjeckien",