What is wellbeing for the elderly?

Elina Vaara, Ilkka Haapola, Marjaana Seppänen, Antti Karisto

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review


What is perceived as significant for well-being can vary between individuals. We addressed how older people (55-79y) emphasize the importance of various aspects of life for their personal well-being. The empirical study is based on the GOAL study from 2005. Overall, gender-differences were not pronounced, but gender and age were intertwined on what is important for well-being. The most important things for subjective well-being covered health, social relations, and surroundings of daily life. Later in life, enabling home-like environment, capability to perform preferred everyday activities and possibilities for self-expression have an exceptional value.
Titel på värdpublikationAgeing, Wellbeing and Climate Change in the Arctic : An interdisciplinary analysis
RedaktörerPäivi Naskali, Marjaana Seppänen, Shahnaj Begum
Antal sidor14
UtgivningsortAbingdon, Oxon
ISBN (tryckt)978-1-138-89190-6
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-1-315-70943-7
StatusPublicerad - 2016
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok


NamnRoutledge advances in climate change research


  • 5141 Sociologi
  • 5142 Social- och samhällspolitik

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