Wood Hemicelluloses as Innovative Wall Materials for Spray‑Dried Microencapsulation of Berry Juice: Part 1—Effect of Homogenization Techniques on their Feed Solution Properties

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


The use of wood hemicelluloses, including galactoglucomannans (GGM) and glucuronoxylans (GX), in spray-dried microencapsulation of bioactive compounds has not been reported. Our study aims to investigate the benefts of spray-dried GGM and GX powders (sGGM and sGX) along with the efects of homogenization techniques (magnetic stirring, ultrasonication, and a combination of UltraTurrax homogenization and microfuidization) on the physicochemical properties of feed solutions (10–20%, w/w). Feed solutions of bilberry juice with sGGM, sGX, and mixtures of either sGGM or sGX with methylcellulose (MC) or carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) were examined to produce highly stable feed solutions for spray-dried microencapsulation. The efects of ultrasonication amplitudes (30–80%) on the viscosity and particle size distribution of sGGM feed solutions were more profound than observed in their sGX counterparts. Unlike sGX feed solutions, sGGM feed solutions homogenized by ultrasonication and microfuidization formed a gel-like structure. Microfuidization also caused a loss of total anthocyanin content (TAC) of the feed solutions. Magnetic stirring resulted in no gel formation and in the lowest viscosity of the feed solutions; hence, it is an effective method for preparing hemicellulose feed solutions. sGGM and sGX powders have high heat stability with melting temperatures of 170–180 °C. The sGGM+CMC combination was more stable over 1 week of storage than the sGGM and sGX feed solutions. Storing the feed solutions reduced TAC and increased sGGM viscosity. Our results indicated that GGM and GX have high potential for use as wall materials in the spray-dried microencapsulation of bioactive compounds.
TidskriftFood and Bioprocess Technology
Sidor (från-till)909–929
Antal sidor21
StatusPublicerad - apr. 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • 416 Livsmedelsvetenskap

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